entry 1:
i’ve never done anything like this before. It’s all very new to me, but I wanted to share my hobbies, lifestyle struggles and all that stuff. last year I got massively into fitness and wellbeing, with that came struggles. I lost control of food and watched my relationship with it slowly deteriorate. Although I loved fitness, I knew I needed to fix my relationship with food in order to carry on this lifestyle. I put fitness on a pause and got back healthy. now i’m ready to get back into this. I want this blog to help keep me on track along the way! one entry a week. i’m not expecting anyone to read it, but if you do… welcome! i’m deciding to stay anonymous for now but who knows in the future.
In 2025 so far, i’ve been implementing new things,
for starters Journalling. Not the kind where I write all my sadness and negative thoughts- I thought that this would make me more negative in the long run as I enjoy reading my entries back. I write when I have a thought that had been troubling me in the day and try and pin it to things i’m grateful for etc. not only this, but i’ve started bullet journalling, in this journal I include my goals, bucket lists, routines and more. this journal is helpful as it is more creative, you can have a bit more fun with it-including drawings and things like that. I find most templates on Pinterest and TikTok. trust me have a look, there is a bigger audience than you think.
reading- I’ve not been into reading for a long time. but I was thinking if I got into it it might clear my head. I can only read certain types of books though. fiction, like Harry Potter or TV shows. i’ve recently found a new book series by Laurie Gilmore. similar to the Gilmore Girls ( a suggestion I found on TikTok ) ive been able to get right into this book without an issue, and I definitely recommend it.
I’ve attached the link.
i’m taking it slow by not implementing loads of things at once. February is the month I implement clean eating again, although this can be hard when first getting back into it- discipline is hard and it takes a lot- I struggle with it massively, but the feeling when you get it right is unmatched, I find that thinking about this helps me along the way. i’m using myfitnesspal to help me with this.- I find this VERY useful.
setting goals- I think goals must be attainable, not something that will be hard to accomplish, by setting this sort of goal, you’re more likely to actually achieve them. whereas setting unattainable goals makes achieving them harder, knocking your confidence as well.
my 2025 goals:
-begin running as a hobby- running is such a good workout for mental and physical health, incorporating this into your lifestyle as a hobby is so good for you.
-disregard the “all or nothing” mentality- this mentality is to do with a healthy lifestyle, instead of having the idea that you can only live 100 percent clean, as soon as you do one thing wrong the rest goes and you disregard the day. this is one thing that I have fallen subject to many a time, and is very unhelpful if your end goal is weight loss, or improving discipline.
-read 12 books- this is an example of an attainable goal, not a high number but easy to achieve.
-learn french- languages are helpful, I want to do a ski season in France- this is me thinking ahead, something I want to start doing more. to do this i’m using duo lingo and its going well!
that’s all for the first entry. enjoy!